Container transportation is the delivery of goods of any format in a special metal box. The type of containers can be different: refrigerators (temperature control), boxes without top or side walls (for fast transportation). Most often, container transportation is used in multimodal delivery, when several units of transport are involved on the route.
Container transportation requires a special package of documents. As the goods are not unloaded on the road, 3PL-operator Logistic Plus immediately draws up documents in accordance with modern requirements of the legislation on transportation of closed cargo.
If you need to change the truck or car, the container itself is moved, and the contents are not removed. This ensures safety during transportation.
Ukraine, 08114,
Kyivska Oblast,
Bilohorodka village, Kompressorna str 3A,
Warehouse complex AMTEL-2.
+38 (044) 498 91 78
Services department:
+38 (050) 640 55 71